As the last few weeks of 2021 draw to a close, I hope you are looking forward to a restful festive period.
2021 was The London LAMDA Tutor’s fourth year of operating and we delivered the highest number of lessons since we founded. Our tutors delivered over thousands of hours of learning to students based globally from Hong Kong, Nairobi, Brazil as well as right here in the UK.
Our student-centred approach and unique teaching ethos led to our students achieving outstanding examination results this year. 85% of all of our students learning with us passed their LAMDA examinations with Distinction.
By far, our most popular exam this year was Acting with over half of all of our students choosing to work towards one of LAMDA’s Acting exams. It has been a privilege to see the craft of acting enabling so many of our students to master their public speaking skills.
After Acting, the second most popular exam studied by our students was Speaking Verse and Prose, followed by Speaking in Public. Many of our students opt to work on different exams at each stage on their LAMDA journey. We know that having the freedom to choose their exam gives our students full ownership over their studies and this in turn has a profound impact on their confidence and self-belief.
We also welcomed a new cohort of adult learners who are using the LAMDA framework to master their public speaking skills and improve their career opportunities. One of our student’s Mum’s was so inspired by the confidence her son gained on his LAMDA journey that she decided to book some lessons for herself!
As actor-tutors, we know that our drama training was a special opportunity to master skills which are not ordinarily taught in most curriculums. However, the ability to stand up and present yourself with confidence can change the course of an individual’s life.
It’s a privilege for all of us to be able to share this knowledge with our students and see the effect that it has on their lives and the choices they feel empowered to make.
We look forward to our students continuing LAMDA adventures in 2022 and beyond!
Very best wishes,
Liane-Rose Bunce
The London LAMDA Tutor